§ 10.20.120. Displaying vehicle for sale.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall park any vehicle or place any structure upon any county highway for the purpose of selling therefrom any article or thing, and no person shall sell, display for sale, or offer for sale any article or thing, either in or from any such vehicle or structure so parked or placed; but this section shall not prohibit a seller from taking orders or delivering any commodity from a vehicle on a county highway adjacent to the premises of the purchaser, nor shall it prohibit any person from temporarily parking any vehicle upon a county highway while actually engaged in making a sale to a customer wishing to buy.



    Except as provided for in subsection 2 of this subsection, no person shall park, stop, place or leave standing any vehicle or cause any vehicle to be parked or placed upon any private or public street, highway, parking lot or other private or public property located within the unincorporated area of the county for the purpose of selling, displaying for sale or offering for sale any such vehicle.


    Subsection 1 of this subsection shall not prohibit any person from selling, displaying for sale or offering for sale a vehicle on private property, provided the person owns or occupies the property or has written permission of the property owner, authorized agent of the property owner or the person in lawful possession of such private property. Such written permission shall be displayed in or on the vehicle in such a manner as to be clearly visible, and upon request by a peace officer or code enforcement officer employed by the department of building and safety, such written permission shall be made available for further inspection. This subsection shall not exempt a person from compliance with county zoning ordinances or any other ordinance or law governing the sale of vehicles on private property.


    The parking or placing of any vehicle with a sign or other advertising device thereon or proximate thereto, indicating such vehicle is for sale shall constitute prima facie evidence that such vehicle was parked or placed for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale.


    The provisions of this subsection may be administered and enforced by the director of building and safety and his or her employees or designees.

(Ord. 413.30 § 1.13, 2005)