§ 10.20.130. Spaces marked for handicapped parking.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The board of supervisors may, by resolution, designate parking spaces for the exclusive use of vehicles which display a distinguishing license plate or a placard issued pursuant to Sections 22511.55 and 22511.59 or 5007 of the California Vehicle Code. If the designated space is to be on a county highway, it shall be reviewed to determine if there is sufficient space for a disabled person to enter and exit the vehicle safely and if a viable path is available (including wheelchair ramps) from the designated parking space. Whenever a parking space is so designated, it shall be indicated by blue paint on the curb or edge of the paved portion of the street adjacent to the space, and may also be indicated by signs or other suitable means.


    The board of supervisors may, by resolution, designate stalls or spaces in an off-street parking facility owned or operated by the county for the exclusive use of vehicles which display a distinguishing license plate or placard issued pursuant to Sections 22511.55 and 22511.59 or 5007 of the California Vehicle Code.


    The owner or person in lawful possession of an off-street parking facility, after notifying the sheriff's department, and the county owning or operating an off-street parking facility, may cause the removal from a stall or space designated for physically handicapped persons in such facility to the nearest public garage, which regularly accepts towed vehicles, of any vehicle not displaying one of the distinguishing placards or license plates specified in this section if there is posted immediately adjacent to, and visible from such stall or space, or, if there is posted, in a conspicuous place at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than seventeen (17) by twenty-two (22) inches in size with lettering not less than one inch in height, a sign which clearly and conspicuously states the following:

     "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons will be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at _____ (address), or by telephoning _______ (law enforcement phone)."


    No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle in a stall or space designated for disabled persons and disabled veterans, unless the vehicle displays a distinguishing license plate or placard issued pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 5007 or Vehicle Code Section(s) 22511.55 or 22511.59.


    All fines imposed for violations of subsection D of this section shall be in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 42001.5. The provisions of this section may be administered and enforced by the director of building and safety and his or her designees, pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22507.9.

(Ord. 413.30 § 1.14, 2005)