§ 10.20.170. Unlawful parking of recreational vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Recreational Vehicle Prohibited on County Highway Within Residential Districts—Exceptions.


    Except as provided in subsection (A)(2) of this section, no person shall park or leave standing any recreational vehicle on any county highway within a residential district in the unincorporated area of the county.


    For a period of not more than forty-eight (48) hours, twice a month, a recreational vehicle may be parked or left standing on a county highway if vehicles are otherwise allowed to park there and if:


    The vehicle is parked or left standing directly in front of the residence of the recreational vehicle owner for the purposes of loading, unloading or cleaning of such vehicle; or


    The vehicle is parked or left standing directly in front of the residence by a person visiting the residence and the owner of the residence has given his or her permission.


    Notwithstanding the above, a recreational vehicle parked within the boundaries of the Eastvale Neighborhood preservation overlay zone shall be subject to the requirements of Article XIXh of Ordinance No. 348.


    Two-Hour Parking Restriction on County Highway for Recreational Vehicles Where Signs are Posted—Exception.


    Except as provided in subsection (B)(2) of this section, no person shall park or leave standing any recreational vehicle on any county highway in the unincorporated area of the county for a period longer than two hours of any one day when signs are erected or posted giving notice thereof.


    The director of transportation is authorized to establish restricted parking for recreational vehicles on any county highway pursuant to subsection (B)(1) of this section upon completion of an engineering study and a field review, which study and field review shall document the need and purpose in establishing two-hour parking restriction for recreational vehicles on county highway. When exercising the authority conferred by this section, the director of transportation shall cause signs to be erected or posted pursuant to subsection C of this section.


    This section shall not apply to any county highway located within the boundaries of a residential district in the unincorporated area of the county.


    Signage. The director of transportation shall erect or post signs in compliance with Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code giving notice of the parking prohibitions and restrictions contained in subsections A and B of this section.


    Enforcement—Violation—Citation. County code enforcement shall enforce the provisions of subsections A and B of this section. Any vehicle parked or left standing in violation of subsections A and B of this section shall be subject to citation. No citation shall be issued unless signs are erected or posted pursuant to subsection C of this section.

(Ord. 413.31 § 4, 2006: Ord. 413.30 § 1.18, 2005)