§ 10.40.050. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the indicated definitions:

    "Construction cost index" means that index of construction costs established and published monthly in the Engineering News Record and known as the "Construction Cost Index" (CCI).

    "Development" means the improvement or change of use of a parcel of property. The context of use may also refer to the growth process by which change occurs.

    "Dwelling unit" ("d.u."), as defined in the 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code, which is from time to time amended, and adopted by Riverside County Ordinance No. 457, is any mobilehome or building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, for not more than one family. Dwelling unit based fees will be based on the actual number of proposed dwelling units.

    "Fee area" means the signal mitigation program fee area.

    "Gross acreage" means the total property area as shown on a land division map of record, or described through a recorded legal description of the property. This area shall be bounded by road right-of-way and property lines.

    "Project area" ("ac."), for fee purposes, means the area, measured in acres, from the adjacent road right-of-way line to the limits of project improvements. Project area shall include all project improvements and areas of intensive use on applicant's gross acreage, including all areas depicted on the applicant's exhibit, as submitted to the county planning department. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the project area is the area upon which the development will be assessed signal mitigation program fees.

    "Signal mitigation program fee area" means the geographic area, encompassed by the boundaries of the county, excluding areas incorporated as, or annexed to municipalities, for the uniform collection and expenditure of signal mitigation program fees.

    "Signal mitigation program" means the process of the collection and expenditure of environmental fees for traffic congestion mitigation purposes through signalization.

    "Signal priority list" means that working document which is maintained by the transportation and land management agency to assist in the determination of locations for signalization. The signal priority list is a dynamic listing of locations that have been determined to have met traffic signal warrants, which locations are prioritized based on traffic volume and collision history.

    "Traffic signal warrants" means those criteria described in the state of California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual, and the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Inasmuch as those criteria for the installation of traffic signals are nationally accepted, those warrants, and any subsequent revisions are adopted as the county traffic signal warrants.

    "Traffic signal(s)" are electrically powered traffic control devices, other than barricade warning lights or steady burning electric lamps, by which traffic as warned or directed to take some specific action. As used in this chapter, traffic signals shall include traffic control signals, pedestrian crossing signals, ramp metering signals, flashing beacons, lane-use control signals, priority control of traffic signals, and all appurtenant and ancillary equipment.

    "Transportation improvement program" is that seven-year program of proposed transportation improvements, prepared by the transportation and land management agency, and submitted annually to the board of supervisors by the director of the transportation and land management agency for approval. The transportation improvement program is incorporated as a component of the county capital improvement program.

(Ord. 748 § 5, 1994)