§ 10.40.070. Authorized use of signal mitigation program fees.  

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  • A.

    Signal mitigation program fees shall be utilized for the direct and indirect costs associated with the installation, modification and upgrading of traffic signals and related improvements, and as provided in this chapter. The improvements shall be included in the county transportation improvement program.


    Locations proposed for signalization shall meet a minimum of one of the established traffic signal warrants based on existing conditions, or based on projections of conditions not to exceed five years from the study date. Authorized use of signal mitigation program fees shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:


    General signal mitigation program management, including planning, studies, recordkeeping, meetings, travel, training, staff supervision, accounting, data processing, and other related administrative tasks;


    Design and other preliminary, engineering-related functions;


    Environmental clearance procedures, right-of-way acquisitions, and associated activities;


    Cooperative agreement preparation and related activities;


    Construction contract preparation, and related activities;


    Construction, construction materials, construction inspection, surveys, materials testing, procurement, and related activities;


    Equipment, materials and labor to support the above-described activities;


    Improvements at or near traffic signal project locations are authorized to be funded from the signal mitigation program; providing, that the improvements are related to the installation of traffic signals and create additional intersection capacity, improve roadway safety, increase the life of traffic signal improvements, or provide other benefits to the traveling public. These authorized improvements may include, but are not limited to, safety lighting, flashing beacons, traffic signal coordination hardware and software, standard and changeable message signing, striping, pavement markings, raised pavement markers, pre-emption controls, access ramps, intersection area sidewalks, street pavement improvements, roadway widening, curbs, gutters and other drainage improvements, central traffic signal control and monitoring equipment and software, and other items that meet the criteria listed above.


    The intelligent vehicle highway systems (IVHS) element of the signal mitigation program fee shall be utilized for administrative, planning, design and construction activities related to IVHS. IVHS related expenses may include costs for those advanced traffic management and information systems that are related to IVHS. Prior to expenditure of any of the funds authorized herein for capital purchases, the director of transportation shall submit proposed IVHS funding policy and procedures for review and approval by the board of supervisors. The policy shall include a listing of proposed improvements to be funded from the IVHS fee element. The IVHS element of the signal mitigation program fee shall be an established percentage of the signal mitigation program fee that is current at the time of payment. This fee may apply to certain geographic areas or travel corridors, dependent upon the final, adopted policies and procedures.

(Ord. 748 § 7, 1994)