§ 10.48.070. Exceptions to impoundment of nuisance vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Seized Vehicles.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the county shall return a seized vehicle, and that vehicle shall not be subject to impoundment, upon the determination of any of the following circumstances:


    The vehicle was actually stolen, provided that:


    The theft was reported to a law enforcement agency prior to the vehicle's use in violation of this chapter;


    The identity of the registered owner can be reasonably ascertained; and


    The registered owner redeems the vehicle within sixty (60) days of the seizure.


    The vehicle is owned by the employer of the person who used it in violation of this chapter, provided that all of the following apply:


    The use was made without the employer's knowledge and consent;


    The use did not provide a direct benefit to the employer's business; and


    The use did not further or advance the employer's business interests in any way, and the use was of such nature that had the employer known, the use would have resulted in termination or substantial discipline.

(Ord. 840 § 7, 2005)