§ 10.52.010. Findings.  

Latest version.
  • The board of supervisors of the county finds:


    That pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 23109, motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed on public streets and highways, more commonly known as "street races" or "drag races," are illegal;


    That the county has numerous communities and areas where the local streets and highways provide ideal conditions for these illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed that attracts these illegal activities;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed on the streets and highways in the unincorporated area of the county have become a broad community problem that threatens public peace, health and safety, creates a public nuisance, and interferes with the right of private businesses and property owners to enjoy the use of their property in the county;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed attract hundreds of juveniles and adults from all areas of southern California on a regular basis to participate or to be a spectator at these events;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed create a dangerous environment, with traffic congestion and risk of serious injury or death for pedestrians and vehicular traffic on local the streets and highways in the county;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed create an environment where persons engage in automobile performance demonstrations and other activities known as "side shows;"


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed contest attract other criminal activity, including but not limited to juvenile curfew violations, littering, drinking in public, urinating in public, fights and disturbances, trespassing, graffiti, and vandalism;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests or exhibitions of speed have led to traffic accidents with personal injuries;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed are planned and coordinated by participants and spectators through the use of the Internet, cell phones, police scanners and other electronic devices that allows them to move in their vehicles spontaneously from one location to another to avoid detection and prosecution by local law enforcement agencies;


    That illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed continue to occur despite asserted efforts of local law enforcement agencies to detect and prevent these illegal activities through enforcement of existing traffic laws;


    That the mere presence of spectators at illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed serves to fuel the occurrence of illegal vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed and, thereby, creates an environment for these illegal activities as well as other illegal activities that place at risk the safety and welfare of the public at risk;


    That by discouraging spectators at illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed, the act of organizing and participating in these illegal activities will be discouraged; and


    That the county seeks to promote the county's interest in protecting and preserving the safety of pedestrians and motorists in, about, or upon public streets and highways so as to minimize any dangerous conditions caused by illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed, and to curb criminal or other dangerous activity that poses a risk to the public's safety and welfare surrounding illegal street racing and exhibitions of speed.

(Ord. 848 § 1, 2005)