§ 10.52.020. Statement of intent and purpose.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The streets within the unincorporated areas of the county have been the site of continuing and escalating illegal street races over the past several years despite asserted efforts of local law enforcement agencies to prevent and otherwise abate this illegal activity through the enforcement of existing traffic laws. Illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed are fueled by the presence of spectators and create an environment in which these, as well as other, illegal activities can flourish. Therefore, the intent and purpose of this ordinance is to discourage the presence of spectators at illegal vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed in the unincorporated areas of the county.


    This chapter is not intended to preempt state law governing the regulation of speed contests or exhibitions of speed but rather compliment such laws by prohibiting spectators at illegal motor vehicle speed contests and exhibitions of speed events.

(Ord. 848 § 2, 2005)