§ 3.04.040. Positions allowed.  

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  • A.

    Authorized positions.


    Position control. No person shall be appointed to a position in any agency/department until the position has been allowed. The number of positions allowed to be filled in each agency/department shall be allocated by job class and employment type (e.g., regular, seasonal, temporary, or per diem) in the approved agency/department budget. The human resources director shall maintain the official count of positions, which may be allowed when approved by the board of supervisors in the agency/department's final budget, or by resolution of the board of supervisors. A resolution concerning the number of allowed positions shall be effective on the date of its adoption unless a different date is set by the resolution.


    Change in allocated positions. The human resources director may adjust the number of positions allocated to a(n) agency/department, without board of supervisors action, when no additional funding is required. The request would require a detailed statement of the reason and need for a new position(s), a justification of the reason for the specific classifications requested and an affirmative statement signed by the agency/department head that no additional county appropriations would be required to sustain the requested position(s) in the current and following fiscal year. Agency/departments requesting a change in the number of positions during the fiscal year, without a change in funding, may request the change using the format prescribed by the human resources director.

    Other changes in the number of positions, those requiring additional funding, may be requested by agency/department heads via Form 11 submitted to the board of supervisors. Such requests shall contain the job code, job title, and agency/department number of the requested position.


    Part-time and job sharing.


    Part-time positions. When any full time regular position has been established or allowed in any agency/department by or pursuant to this chapter, and in the opinion of the agency/department head only a part-time employee is needed to perform the work, the position may be filled by a part-time employee. A regular part-time employee shall be scheduled to work in each pay period a minimum of one-half the number of hours prescribed for full time normal permanent county employment.


    Job sharing. Notwithstanding any provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the human resources director may authorize that two part-time employees job share one regular position, provided that each employee is scheduled to work in each pay period one-half the number of hours prescribed for full time normal permanent county employment.


    Companion positions.


    Advance replacement of terminating employee. An agency/department head, with prior approval of the human resources director, may fill a regular position with a replacement up to thirty (30) calendar days in advance of a terminating employee. Under exceptional circumstances, the position to be vacated may be filled with a replacement for up to an additional sixty (60) calendar days with the prior approval of the human resources director. On approval, there shall be automatically established in the agency/department, an additional position of the same class which shall be automatically abolished on the effective date of said termination.


    Companion position during unpaid leave. When an employee is authorized a leave of absence without pay for a period in excess of twenty (20) working days, his/her position shall not be filled during such absence. On the agency/department head's request, a temporary companion position of the same class shall be allowed to the agency/department, only for the duration of the approved leave. If a regular employee is placed in such temporary position, he/she shall be entitled to the same benefits as if the position were a regular position. The agency/department head shall promptly inform the human resources director of the adding of the companion position, and of its deletion upon the return to work or separation of the absent employee. The format provided by the Human Resources Director shall be used for this purpose.


    Companion position during paid leave. When an employee is absent on authorized paid leave as above, a companion position may be allowed with the prior approval of the human resources director.

(Ord. No. 440.1761, § 4, 9-15-2015; Ord. No. 440.1762, § 4, 1-5-2016)