§ 2.16.050. Budgetary matters.
The county executive officer shall under general direction of the board of supervisors:
Develop budget instructions and policies, revenue estimates, and departmental budget targets to guide departments in budget preparation, and submit a proposed budget to the board of supervisors;
Recommend to the board of supervisors a proposed capital budget based upon long range plans for acquiring, constructing or improving buildings, roads, and other county facilities, make recommendations to the board on the acquisition, leasing and disposition of new and replacement equipment and real property, except for county roads, easements, and rights-of-way, which shall be the responsibility of the county road commissioner;
Establish control systems to assure that the various county departments and other agencies under the jurisdiction of the board of supervisors are operating within their respective budgets; make regular reports, including a mid-year budget report on the status of the budget and any unusual expenditures or changes in revenue and make recommendations to the board regarding requests for unforeseen and unbudgeted expenditures; approve fund transfers and budget revisions within appropriations, including additional fixed assets in accordance with Government Code Section 29125; make recommendations to the board for fund transfer requests which require board action under state law, and approve out-of-state travel requests.
(Ord. 442.3 § 1(5), 1996)