§ 2.16.060. Departmental supervision.
The county executive officer shall:
Require all appointed department heads, excepting county counsel, to report directly to the county executive officer on all board-related matters;
Annually evaluate all appointed department heads. Such evaluations shall be submitted to the board for review and comment. The criteria for evaluations shall be provided, in writing, to all appointed department heads;
Annually assign each appointed department head to a salary step within a range adopted by the board;
Provide training and orientation for new department heads;
Meet on a regular basis with each department head for the purpose of communicating county policies and issues;
Implement a system for developing goals and objectives for the county and for each county department. Progress toward those goals shall be regularly reviewed;
Assist departments to mediate issues and coordinate activities at the lowest organizational level possible;
With the assistance of the personnel director develop and implement a training program for county managers.
(Ord. 442.3 § 1(6), 1996)